Welcome to our Customer Portal

Nuotek offers a comprehensive range of IT based solutions, comprising of Hardware, Software, IT Infrastructure as well as IT consulting services.

We are committed to providing excellence in customer support and customer satisfaction, driven by our continued service improvement initiatives.

On top of our in-depth industry experience which is backed up by our strategic partnerships, we have a long track record of achieving the results that our clients expect. Working closely with our suppliers is a key element in providing our clients the quality of service they seek, effectively driving their growth and success.

In order to streamline customer requests and better serve both our existing as well as prospective customers, we utilize a servicedesk ticketing system.

A 'service' request can be submitted for reporting an issue, obtain a new service, obtain information, request a quotation or change a current service.

Service requests are assigned a unique ticket number which customers can use to track the progress and responses online.

Please note that a valid email address is required to submit a ticket.